The European Social Charter in Practice

19 januari 2007

The Academic Network on the European Social Charter in cooperation with the Platform of European Social NGOs (Social Platform) and the European Trade Unions Confederation (ETUC) cordially invites you to

Training and Advocacy Session: The European Social Charter in Practice
Brussels, 18-19 January 2007

This day-and-a-half training and advocacy session aims at providing the participants with a specialized knowledge of the mechanisms of the Council of Europe European Social Charter and of the most recent trends in the case-law of the European Committee of Social Rights. The training is addressed to international and national non-governmental organisations, employers’ and workers’ unions, lawyers advising these organisations or wishing to invoke the Charter more systematically before national authorities, and public servants. The programme includes both plenary sessions and smaller working groups, in order to ensure that all those attending receive the focused presentations they are most interested in.

Registration and contact: Ms Violeta Moreno Lax

More information here (pdf).

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