The First Millennium Development Goal: Progress by Gimmickry

26 november 2008

'The First Millennium Development Goal: Progress by Gimmickry'

Prof. dr. Thomas W. Pogge

woensdag 26 november 2008 om 16 uur


Op woensdag 26 november a.s. om 16 uur geeft Prof. dr. Thomas W. Pogge een lezing over ‘The First Millennium Development Goal: Progress by Gimmickry’.

Dit is de tweede voordracht in de internationale lezingenreeks ‘Venster op de wereld’ van het Vlaams Steunpunt Buitenlands Beleid.


Thomas Pogge (Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University) is a German philosopher and has written extensively on political philosophy, cosmopolitanism, and, more recently, extreme poverty. His book ‘World Poverty and Human Rights’ (2008) is widely regarded as one of the most important works on global justice.

His lecture will address the first and most prominent United Nations Millennium Development Goal (MDG-1): to halve the proportion of people living on less than one dollar a day and of people suffering from hunger. The speaker will argue that this goal is grotesquely underambitious in view of the resources available and the magnitude of the catastrophe. The international community’s go-slow approach is rendered even more appalling by the contribution made to the persistence of severe poverty by the affluent countries and the global economic order they impose.

Praktische gegevens:

De lezing zal plaatsvinden in de Kapel Grauwzusters – Stadscampus Universiteit Antwerpen, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen.

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